Updated on 12/22/2021

Blood backspatter interaction with propellant gases Heading link
Gen Li, Nathaniel Sliefert, James B. Michael, Alexander L. Yarin
The theoretical results of the present work reveal a significant interaction of the oncoming vortex ring of propellant muzzle gases with backward blood spatter. It is shown that there is even possibility that a blood droplet from the backspatter will fully turn around by a powerful vortex ring and land behind a victim. Such a predicted outcome is confirmed by experimental data of fully reversed drop trajectories observed in the experiments conducted in the second part of this work [N. Sliefert, G. Li, J. B. Michael, A. L. Yarin, “Experimental and numerical study of blood backspatter interaction with propellant gases,” Phys. Fluids 33, 043319 (2021)]. A parametric study is conducted here to investigate the totality of the outcomes of the vortex ring interaction with the backward blood spatter and the corresponding deflections and landing locations of blood drops. Furthermore, a secondary vortex ring is introduced here to reveal a continuous effect of the propellant gas.
Phys of Fluids 33, 043318 (2021)

Reopening dentistry after COVID-19 Heading link
Jevon Plog, Jingwei Wu, Yasmin J Dias, Farzad Mashayek, Lyndon F Cooper, Alexander L Yarin
The aerosol transmissibility of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has impacted the delivery of health care and essentially stopped the provision of medical and dental therapies. Dentistry uses rotary, ultrasonic, and laser-based instruments that produce water-based aerosols in the daily, routine treatment of patients. Abundant aerosols are generated, which reach health care workers and other patients. Viruses, including SARS-CoV-2 virus and related coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, continued expansion throughout the USA and the world. The virus is spread by both droplet (visible drops) and aerosol (practically invisible drops) transmission. The generation of aerosols in dentistry-an unavoidable part of most dental treatments-creates a high-risk situation. The US Centers for Disease Control and The Occupational Safety and Health Administration consider dental procedures to be of “highest risk” in the potential spreading of SARS-CoV-2 and other respiratory viruses. There are several ways to reduce or eliminate the virus: (i) cease or postpone dentistry (public and personal health risk), (ii) screen patients immediately prior to dental treatment (by appropriate testing, if any), (iii) block/remove the virus containing aerosol by engineering controls together with stringent personal protective equipment use. The present work takes a novel, fourth approach. By altering the physical response of water to the rotary or ultrasonic forces that are used in dentistry, the generation of aerosol particles and the distance any aerosol may spread beyond the point of generation can be markedly suppressed or completely eliminated in comparison to water for both the ultrasonic scaler and dental handpiece.
Physics of Fluids 32, 083111 (2020)

Electrospun membranes filtering 100 nm particles from air flow Heading link
Kailin Chen, Jingwei Wu, Alexander L. Yarin
Journal of Membrane Science (2021): 120138.

Evolution of Drops under the Surface Tension and Electric Field Heading link
Rafael Granda, Jevon Plog, Gen Li, Vitaliy Yurkiv, Farzad Mashayek, Alexander L. Yarin
Langmuir 37.39 (2021): 11429-11446.
Publication Heading link
- J. Plog, Y. Jiang, Y. Pan, A.L. Yarin. Electrostatically-assisted direct ink writing for
additive manufacturing. Additive Manufacturing 39, 101644 (2021). - F. Zou, G. Li, X. Wang, A.L. Yarin. Dynamic hydrophobicity of superhydrophobic
PTFE-SiO2 electrospun fibrous membranes. J. Membrane Sci. 619, 118810 (2021). - Y.-I. Kim, M.-W. Kim, S. An, A.L. Yarin, S.Yoon. Reusable filters augmented with heating
microfibers for antibacterial and antiviral sterilization. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
13, 857-867 (2021). - A.E. Perri, A. Sankaran, C. Staszel, R. Schick, F. Mashayek, A. L. Yarin. The Particle Image
Velocimetry of vortical electrohydrodynamic flows of oil near a high-voltage electrode tip.
Experiments in Fluids 62, 27 (2021). - M.-W. Kim, Y.-I. Kim, C. Park, A. Aldalbahi, H. S. Alanazi, S. An, A. L. Yarin, Sam S. Yoon.
Reusable and durable electrostatic air filter based on hybrid metallized microfibers decorated
with metal–organic–framework nanocrystals. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 85,
44-55 (2021). - B. Joshi, E. Samuel, Y.-il Kim, A.L. Yarin, M.T. Swihart, S.S. Yoon. Electrostatically sprayed
nanostructured electrodes for energy conversion and storage devices. Advanced Functional
Materials 2008181 (2021). - J. Plog, Y. Jiang, Y. Pan, A.L. Yarin. Coalescence of sessile droplets driven by electric
field in the jetting-based 3D printing framework. Experiments in Fluids 62:56 (2021). - T. Kim, C. Park, E. Samuel, S. An, A. Aldalbahi, F. Alotaibi, A.L.Yarin, S.S.Yoon.
Supersonically-sprayed washable, wearable, stretchable, hydrophobic, and antibacterial
rGO/AgNW fabric for multifunctional sensors and supercapacitors. ACS Applied Materials &
Interfaces 13, 10013-10025 (2021). - J. Komperda, A. Peyvan, D. Li, B. Kashir, A.L. Yarin, C.M. Megaridis, P. Mirbod, I. Paprotny,
L. Cooper, S. Rowan, C. Stanford, F. Mashayek. Computer simulation of the SARS-CoV-2
contamination risk in a large dental clinic. Phys. Fluids 33, 033328 (2021). - G. Li, N. Sliefert, J.B. Michael, A.L. Yarin. Blood backspatter interaction with propellant
gases. Phys. Fluids 33, 043318 (2021). - N.Sliefert, G. Li, J.B. Michael, A.L. Yarin. Experimental and numerical study of blood
backspatter interaction with firearm propellant gases. Phys. Fluids 33, 043319 (2021). - V. Yurkiv, J. Wu, S. Halder, R. Granda, A. Sankaran, A.L. Yarin, F. Mashayek. Water
interaction with dielectric surface: A combined ab-initio modeling and experimental study. Phys.
Fluids 33, 042012 (2021). - K. Chen, W. Zhang, A.L. Yarin, B. Pourdeyhimi. Polymer melting temperatures and
crystallinity at different applied pressure. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 138:e50936 (2021). - A. Sankaran, J. Wu, R. Granda, V. Yurkiv, F. Mashayek, A.L. Yarin. Drop impact onto
polarized dielectric surface for controlled coating. Phys. Fluids 33, 062101 (2021). - Y. I. Kim, K. Jang, C. Park, S. An, A.L. Yarin, S.S. Yoon. Enhanced cooling of high-power
microelectronics with swing-like pool boiling. International Communications in Heat and Mass
Transfer 125, 105338 (2021). - C.-S. Ahn, B.-H. Bang, C. Park, D.-Y. Kim, A.L. Yarin, S.S. Yoon. Experimental, analytical,
and computational study of natural convection in asymmetrically-heated vertical shafts.
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 170, 107131 (2021). - Y. Jiang, J. Plog, A.L. Yarin, Y. Pan. Electrowetting-assisted Direct Ink Writing for low-
viscosity liquids. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 69, 173–180 (2021). - Y.J. Dias, J.R. Robles, S. Sinha-Ray, J. Abiade, B. Pourdeyhimi, B. Niemczyk-Soczynska, D.
Kolbuk, P. Sajkiewicz, A.L. Yarin. Solution-blown poly(hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) and ε-poly-L-
lysine (ε-PLL) sub-micro- and microfiber-based sustainable nonwovens with antimicrobial
activity for single-use applications. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering ACS 7,
3980−3992 (2021). - Y. Liu, F.J. Chaparro, Z. Gray, J. Gaumer, D. B. Cybyk, L. Ross, P. Gosser, Z. Tian, Y. Jia, T.
Dull, A.L. Yarin, J. J. Lannutti. 3D reconstruction of bias effects on porosity, alignment and
mesoscale structure in electrospun tubular polycaprolactone. Polymer 232, 124120 (2021). - R. Granda, J. Plog, G. Li, V. Yurkiv, F. Mashayek, A.L. Yarin. Evolution and shape of 2D
Stokesian drops under the action of surface tension and electric field: Linear and nonlinear
theory and experiment. Langmuir 37, 11429-11446 (2021). - H. S. Jo, C.-W. Park, S. An, A. Aldalbahi, M. El-Newehy, A.L. Yarin, S.S. Yoon. Wearable multifunctional soft sensor and contactless 3D scanner using supersonically-sprayed silver nanowires, carbon nanotubes, zinc oxide, and PEDOT:PSS. Soft Robotics (accepted 2021).
- Y.J. Dias, S. Sinha-Ray, B. Pourdeyhimi, A.L. Yarin. Chicago Sky Blue diazo-dye release from poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) electrospun nanofibers. Journal of Molecular Liquids 345 117771 (2022).
- B. Joshi, Edmund Samuel, Y.-il Kim, A.L. Yarin, M.T. Swihart, S.S. Yoon. Progress and potential of electrospinning-derived substrate-free and binder-free Lithium-ion battery electrodes. Chemical Engineering Journal 430, 132876 (2022).
- Y. I. Kim, B.-H. Bang, K. Jang, S. An, A.L. Yarin, S.S. Yoon. Effect of heater wire configuration and nanotexturing on force generated by self-propelled bubble-driven propeller. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (accepted, 2021).
- K. Chen, J. Wu, A.L. Yarin. Electrospun membranes filtering 100 nm particles from air flow by means of the van der Waals and Coulomb forces. J. Membrane Sci. 644, 120138 (2022).
- R. Granda, V. Yurkiv, F. Mashayek, A.L. Yarin. Metamorphosis of trilobite-like drops on a surface: Electrically-driven fingering. Phys. Fluids (accepted 2021).
- K. Chen, A. Ghosal, A.L. Yarin, B. Pourdeyhimi. Modeling of spunbond formation process of polymer nonwovens. Polymer, 187 121902 (2020).
- S. An, A.L. Yarin. Mechanical behavior of sintered submicron glass fiber mats. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 170, 105354 (2020).
- A. Ghosal, K. Chen, S. Sinha-Ray, A.L. Yarin, Alexander, B. Pourdeyhimi. Modeling polymer crystallization kinetics in meltblowing process. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 59, 399−412 (2020).
- A.L. Yarin, A. Sankaran, S. An, B. Pourdeyhimi. Constitutive modeling of polymers accounting for their hyperelasticity, plasticity, creep and viscoelastic relaxation. Polymer Testing, 85, 106444 (2020).
- Z. Huang, A. Kolbasov, Y. Yuan, M. Cheng, Y. Xu, R. Rojaee, R. Deivanayagam, T. Foroozan, Y. Liu, K. Amine, J. Lu, A.L. Yarin, R. Shahbazian-Yassar. Solution blowing synthesis of Li-conductive ceramic nanofibers. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12, 16200−16208 (2020).
- W. Zhang, E. Zussman, A.L. Yarin. Heat and mass transfer resulting in eruptive jetting from stems and leaves during distillation stage of forest fire. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 116, 110112 (2020).
- S. An, H. S. Jo, G. Li, E. Samuel, S. S. Yoon, A. L. Yarin. Sustainable nanotextured wave energy harvester based on ferroelectric fatigue-free and flexoelectricity-enhanced piezoelectric P(VDF-TrFE) nanofibers with BaSrTiO3 nanoparticles. Advanced Functional Materials 2020, 2001150 (2020).
- G. Li, B. Pourdeyhimi, A.L. Yarin. Mutual sliding motion of wrapped filaments for biomedical and engineering applications. Langmuir 36, 4357−4369 (2020).
- Y. Jiang, J. Plog, A.L. Yarin, Y. Pan. Direct ink writing of surface-modified flax elastomer composites. Composites B 194, 108061 (2020).
- M. Lauricella, S. Succi, E. Zussman, D. Pisignano, A.L. Yarin. Models of polymer solutions in electrified jets and solution blowing. Reviews of Modern Physics 92, 035004-1-035004-47 (2020).
- A.L. Yarin. Novel nano- and microfluidic devices and their applications. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 29, 17-25 (2020).
- M.-W. Kim, S. An, H. Seok, A.L. Yarin, S.S. Yoon. Transparent metallized microfibers as recyclable electrostatic air filter with ionization. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12, 25266-25275 (2020).
- C.-S. Ahn, D.-Y. Kim, C.-W. Park, M.-W. Kim, T.-G. Kim, B.-H. Bang, S. An, A. L. Yarin, S. S. Yoon. Experimental and numerical study of smoke behavior in high-rise stairwells with open and closed windows. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 157, 106500 (2020).
- B.-H. Bang, Y.-I. Kim, C.-S. Ahn, S. Jeong, Y. Yoon, S. An, S.S. Yoon, A.L. Yarin. Theoretical model of swirling thick film flow inside converging nozzles of various geometries. Fuel 280, 118215 (2020).
- Y. Dias, A. Kolbasov, S. Sinha-Ray, B. Pourdeyhimi, A.L. Yarin. Theoretical and experimental study of dissolution mechanism of cellulose. Journal of Molecular Liquids 312, 113450 (2020).
- A. Perri, A. Sankaran, B. Kashir, C. Staszel, R. Schick, F. Mashayek, A.L. Yarin. Electrically- driven toroidal Moffatt vortices: Experimental observations. J.Fluid Mech. 900, A12 (2020).
- J. Plog, Y. Jiang, Y. Pan, A.L. Yarin. Electrostatic charging and deflection of droplets for drop-on-demand 3D printing within confinements. Additive Manufacturing 36, 101400
(2020). - A. Sankaran, S. Pawłowska, F. Pierini, T. A. Kowalewski, A.L. Yarin. Dynamics of electrospun hydrogel filaments in oscillatory microchannel flows: A theoretical and experimental approach.
Phys. Fluids 32, 072008 (2020). - T.-G. Kim, S. An, C.-W. Park, J. Choi, A. L. Yarin, Sam S. Yoon. Flexible heat-spreading and air-cooling films using nickel-electroplated nanotextured fibers. Chemical Engineering Science 227, 115951 (2020).
- Y. Jiang, A.L. Yarin, Y. Pan. Printable highly transparent natural fiber composites. Materials Letters 277, 128290 (2020).
- J. Plog, J. Wu, Y.J. Dias, F. Mashayek, L.F. Cooper, A.L. Yarin. Reopening dentistry after COVID-19: Complete suppression of aerosolization in dental procedures by viscoelastic Medusa Gorgo. Phys. Fluids 32, 083111 (2020).
- A.L. Yarin. Wetting for self-healing, and electrowetting for additive manufacturing. Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 51, 101378 (2020).
- Y. I. Kim, Seongpil An, A. L. Yarin, S. S. Yoon. Performance enhancement of soft nano-textured thermo-pneumatic actuator by incorporating silver nanowires into elastomer body. Soft Robotics DOI: 10.1089/soro.2020.0044 (2020).
- K. Chen, A.L. Yarin, B. Pourdeyhimi. Prediction of crystallinity of spunbond webs. J. Appl. Phys. 128, 205101 (2020).
- P. Nakielski, S. Pawłowska, C. Rinoldi, Y. Ziai, L. De Sio, O. Urbanek, K. Zembrzycki, M. Pruchniewski, M. Lanzi, E. Salatelli, A. Calogero, T.A. Kowalewski, A.L. Yarin, F. Pierini. Multifunctional bio-inspired platform based on electrospun nanofibers and plasmonic hydrogel: a smart nanostructured pillow for near-infrared light-driven biomedical applications. ACS
Applied Materials & Interfaces 12, 54328−54342 (2020).
- G. Li, C. Staszel, A. L. Yarin, B. Pourdeyhimi. Hydroentanglement of polymer nonwovens. 1: Experimental and theoretical/numerical framework. Polymer 164, 191–204 (2019).
- G. Li, C. Staszel, A. L. Yarin, B. Pourdeyhimi. Hydroentanglement of polymer nonwovens. 2: Simulation of multiple polymer fibers and prediction of entanglement. Polymer 164, 205–216 (2019).
- B. Kashir, A. E. Perri, A. L. Yarin, F. Mashayek. Numerical investigation of ionic conductor liquid charging at low to high voltages. Phys. Fluids Phys. Fluids 31, 021201(1)-021201(17) (2019).
- A. Sankaran, S.I. Karakashev, S. Sett, N. Grozev, A.L. Yarin. On the nature of the superspreaders. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 263, 1–18 (2019).
- D. J. Kang, S. An, A. L. Yarin, S. Anand. Programmable soft robotics based on nano-textured thermo-responsive actuators. Nanoscale 11, 2065–2070 (2019).
- C. Staszel, S. Sinha-Ray, A.L. Yarin. Forced vibration of a heated wire subjected to nucleate boiling. Int. J. Heat and Mass Transf. 135, 44-51 (2019).
- L. Yarin, K. Schuster, E. Zussman. Pressure field generated in porous medium by air jet injected through the surface. Phys. Fluids 31, 046601 (2019).
- A. Kolbasov, S. Sinha-Ray, A.L. Yarin. Theoretical and experimental study of punched laminate composites protected by outer paper layer. J. Mech. and Phys. of Solids 128, 117-136 (2019). Unsolicited highlight: Butter Physics Week 07/09/2019.
- A. Sankaran, C. Staszel, D. Belknap, A.L. Yarin, F. Mashayek. Effect of atmospheric humidity on electrical conductivity of oil and implications in electrostatic atomization. Fuel 253, 283-292 (2019).
- P.M. Comiskey, D. Attinger, A.L. Yarin. Implications of Two Backward Blood Spatter Models based on fluid dynamics for bloodstain pattern analysis. Forensic Science Interational, Forensic Science International 301, 299–305 (2019).
- J.-M. Löwe, J. Plog, Y. Jiang, Y. Pan, A.L. Yarin. Drop deposition affected by electrowetting in direct ink writing process. J. Appl. Phys. 126, 035302 (2019).
- P.M. Comiskey, A.L. Yarin, D. Attinger. Hydrodynamics of forward blood spattering caused by a bullet of general shape. Phys. Fluids 31, 084103 (2019).
- P.M. Comiskey, A.L. Yarin. Self-similar turbulent vortex rings: Interaction of propellant gases with blood backspatter and the transport of gunshot residue. J. Fluid Mech. 876, 859-880 (2019).
- W. Zhang, A.L. Yarin, B. Pourdeyhimi. Cohesion energy of thermally-bonded polyethylene terephthalate nonwovens: Experiments and theory. Polymer Testing 78, 105984 (2019).
- Li, A. Sankaran, A.L. Yarin, B. Pourdeyhimi. Hydroentangled polymer nonwovens: Prediction of jet streaks and surface roughness. Polymer 180, 121731 (2019).
- J. Plog, J.-M. Löwe, Y. Jiang, Y. Pan, A.L. Yarin. Drop control by electrowetting in 3D printing. Langmuir 35, 11023−11036 (2019).
- Kashir, A.E. Perri, F. Mashayek, A.L. Yarin. Theoretical and numerical study of formation of near-electrode layers in ionic conductor liquids at high voltages. Langmuir 35, 11080−11088 (2019).
- B. Kashir, A.E. Perri, A.L. Yarin , F. Mashayek. Slow discharge theory and calculation of the potential drop across the compact layer at high electrode voltages. Langmuir 35, 14458-14464 (2019).
- M.W. Lee, S. An, Y.-I. Kim, S.S. Yoon, A.L. Yarin. Self-healing three-dimensional bulk materials based on core-shell nanofibers. Chem. Eng. J. 334, 1093-1100 (2018).
- S. An, Y. I. Kim, H. S. Jo, M.-W. Kim, M. T. Swihart, A. L. Yarin, S. S. Yoon. Oxidation-resistant metallized nanofibers as transparent conducting films and heaters. Acta Materialia 143, 174-180 (2018).
- W. Zhang, E. Zussman, A.L. Yarin. Detection of vapor released from sublimating materials encased in porous medium. Int. J. Heat and Mass Transf. 118, 1357-1372 (2018).
- C. Staszel, A.L. Yarin, B. Pourdeyhimi. Polymer adhesion in heat-treated nonwovens. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 46165 (2018).
- M.W. Lee, S. An, S.S. Yoon, A.L. Yarin. Advances in self-healing materials based on vascular networks with mechanical self-repair characteristics. Advances in Collloid and Interface Science v. 252, 21-37 (2018).
- D. Dannessa, S. Sinha-Ray, S. Jun, A. L. Yarin. Jets of three-phase power-law fluids and foam jet mixing in gypsum slurry. Construction & Building Materials 166, 922-944 (2018).
- A. Sankaran, A.L. Yarin. Evaporation-driven thermocapillary Marangoni convection in liquid layers of different depths. Int. J. Heat and Mass Transf. 122, 504–514 (2018).
- A. Sankaran, C. Staszel, F. Mashayek, A. L. Yarin. Faradaic reactions’ mechanisms and parameters in charging of oils. Electrochimica Acta 268, 173-186 (2018).
- S. An, M.W. Lee, A.L. Yarin, S.S. Yoon. A review on corrosion-protective extrinsic self-healing: comparison of microcapsule-based systems and those based on core-shell vascular networks. Chem. Eng. J. 344, 206-220 (2018).
- P.M. Comiskey, A.L. Yarin. Friction coefficient of an intact free liquid jet moving in air. Experiments in Fluids 59:65 (2018).
- M.-W. Kim, S. An, K. Kim, T.-G. Kim, H. S. Jo, D.-H. Park, S. S. Yoon, A. L. Yarin. Packing of metalized polymer nanofibers for aneurysm embolization. Nanoscale 10, 6589-6601 (2018).
- W. Zhang, C. Staszel, A.L. Yarin, E. Shim, B. Pourdeyhimi. Point-bonded polymer nonwovens and their rupture in stretching. Polymer v. 146, 209-221 (2018).
- P.M. Comiskey, A.L. Yarin, D. Attinger. Theoretical and experimental investigation of forward spatter of blood from a gunshot. Physical Review Fluids 3, 063901 (2018).
- V. Yurkiv, A. L. Yarin, F. Mashayek. Modeling of droplet impact onto polarized and non-polarized dielectric surfaces. Langmuir 34, 10169−10180 (2018).
- S. An, D.J. Kang, A.L. Yarin. A blister-like soft nano-textured thermo-pneumatic actuator as an artificial muscle. Nanoscale 10, 16591-16600 (2018).
- A. Sankaran, W. Zhang, A. L. Yarin. Pool boiling in deep and shallow vessels and the effect of surface nano-texture and self-rewetting. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 127, 857-866 (2018).
- C. Staszel, A. L. Yarin. Exponential vaporization fronts and critical heat flux in pool boiling. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 98, 171-176 (2018).
- M. Ogawa, A.B. Aljedaani, E.Q. Li, S.T. Thoroddsen, A.L. Yarin. Evolution of toroidal free-rim perturbations on an expanding circular liquid sheet. Exps. Fluids 59: 148, 1-18 (2018).
- H. S. Jo, H.-J. Kwon, T.-G. Kim, C.-W. Park, S. An, A. L. Yarin, S. S. Yoon. Wearable transparent thermal sensors and heaters based on metal-plated fibers and nanowires. Nanoscale 2018, 10, 19825–19834 (2018).
- S. An, A. Sankaran, A. L. Yarin. Natural biopolymer-based triboelectric nanogenerators via fast, facile, scalable solution blowing. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10, 37749−37759 (2018).
- M. Boas, M. Burman, A. L. Yarin, E. Zussman. Electrically-responsive deformation of polyelectrolyte complex (PEC) fibrous membrane. Polymer 158, 262–269 (2018).
- B. Bang, H. Park, J. Kim, S. S. Al-Deyab, A. L. Yarin, S. S. Yoon. Analytical and numerical assessments of local overpressure from hydrogen gas explosions in petrochemical plants. Fire and Materials 41, 587-597 (2017).
- J.-G. Lee, D.-Y. Kim, J.-H. Lee, S. Sinha-Ray, A.L. Yarin, M.T. Swihart, D. Kim, S.S. Yoon. Production of flexible transparent conducting films of self-fused nanowires via one-step supersonic spraying. Adv. Funct. Mat. v. 27, 1602548 (2017).
- H. S. Jo, S. An, J.-G. Lee, H. G. Park, S. S. Al-Deyab, A. L. Yarin, S. S. Yoon. Highly flexible, stretchable, patternable, transparent copper fiber heater on a complex 3D surface. NPG Asia Materials v.9, e347 (2017).
- A. Sankaran, C. Staszel, R.P. Sahu, A.L. Yarin, F. Mashayek. Evidence of faradaic reactions in electrostatic atomizers. Langmuir v. 23, 1375-1384 (2017).
- S. Sinha-Ray, W. Zhang, B. Stoltz1, R. P. Sahu, S. Sinha-Ray, A. L. Yarin. Swing-
like pool boiling on nano-textured surfaces for microgravity applications related to cooling of high-power microelectronics. Nature Microgravity 3:9 (2017). - S. Jiang, G. Duan, U. Kuhn, M. Mörl, V. Altstädt, A.L. Yarin, A. Greiner. Spongy gels by top-down approach from polymer fibrous sponges. Angewandte Chemie, Int. Ed. v. 56, 3285-3288 (2017).
- S. Fischer, R.P. Sahu, S. Sinha-Ray, A.L. Yarin, T. Gambaryan-Roisman, P. Stephan. Effect of nano-textured heater surfaces on evaporation at a single mensiscus. Int. J. Heat and Mass Transf. v. 108, 2444-2450 (2017).
- C. Staszel, S. Sinha-Ray, A.L. Yarin. Adhesion of blended polymer film. Polymer. 112, 92-101 (2017).
- S. An, J.-H. Hong, K.Y. Song, M.W. Lee, S.S. Al-Deyab, J.-J. Kim, A.L. Yarin, S.S. Yoon. Prevention of mold invasion by eco-friendly lignin/polycaprolactone nanofiber membranes for amelioration of public hygiene. Cellulose v. 24, 951-965 (2017).
- A. Kolbasov, S. Sinha-Ray, A.L. Yarin, B. Pourdeyhimi. Heavy metal adsorption on solution-blown biopolymer nanofiber membranes. J. Membrane Sci. v. 530, 250-263 (2017).
- J.-G. Lee, D.-Y. Kim, T.-G. Kim, J.-H. Lee, S.S. Al-Deyab, H. W. Lee, J. S. Kim, D. H. Yang, A.L. Yarin, S.S. Yoon. Supersonically sprayed copper-nickel microparticles as flexible and printable thin-film high-temperature heaters. Adv. Mat. Interfaces 1700075 (2017).
- M.W. Lee, S.S. Yoon, A.L. Yarin. Release of self-healing agents in a material: What happens next? ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, v. 9, 17449-17455 (2017).
- J.-G. Lee, J.-H. Lee, S. An, D.-Y. Kim, T.-G. Kim, S. S. Al-Deyab, A.L. Yarin, S.S. Yoon. Highly flexible, stretchable, wearable, patternable, transparent heaters on complex 3D surfaces formed from supersonically sprayed silver nanowires. J. Mater. Chem. A, v. 5, 6677-6685 (2017).
- S. An, Y.I. Kim, S. Sinha-Ray, M.-W. Kim, H. S. Jo, M.T. Swihart, A.L. Yarin, S.S. Yoon. Facile processes for producing robust, transparent, conductive platinum nanofiber mats. Nanoscale 9, 6076–6084 (2017).
- P.M. Comiskey, A.L. Yarin, D. Attinger. High-speed video analysis of forward and backward spattered blood droplets. Forensic Science International, 276, 134-141 (2017).
- S. Duzyer, S. Sinha-Ray, S. Sinha-Ray, A.L. Yarin. Transparent conducting electrodes from conducting polymer nanofibers and their application as thin-film heaters. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 1700188 (2017).
- S. An, H.S. Jo, Y.I. Kim, K.Y. Song, M.W. Kim, K.B. Lee, A.L. Yarin, S.S. Yoon. Bio-inspired, colorful, flexible, defrostable light-scattering hybrid films for effective distribution of LED light. Nanoscale, v. 9, 9139-9147 (2017).
- S. An, Y.I. Kim, H.S. Jo, M.-W. Kim, M.W. Lee, A.L. Yarin, S.S. Yoon. Silver-decorated and palladium-coated copper-electroplated fibers derived from electrospun Polymer nanofibers. Chemical Engineering Journal v.327, 336-342 (2017).
- M.W. Lee, H.S. Jo, S.S. Yoon, A.L. Yarin. Thermally-driven self-healing using copper nanofiber heater. Appl. Phys. Lett. v. 111, 011902 (2017).
- P.M. Comiskey, A.L. Yarin, D. Attinger. Hydrodynamics of back spatter by blunt bullet gunshot with a link to bloodstain pattern analysis. Phys. Rev. Fluids 073906 (2017).
- M.W. Lee, S. Sett, S. An, S.S. Yoon, A.L. Yarin. Self-healing nano-textured vascular-like materials: Mode I crack propagation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9, 27223-27231 (2017).
- B.-H. Bang, C.-S. Ahn, J.-G. Lee, Y.-T. Kim, M.-H. Lee, B. Horn, D. Malik, K. Thomas, S.C. James, A.L. Yarin, S.S. Yoon. Theoretical, numerical, and experimental investigation of pressure rise due to deflagration in confined spaces. International Journal of Thermal Sciences v. 120, 469-480 (2017).
- W. Zhang, R. Vilensky, E. Zussman, A.L. Yarin. Adsorption and mass transfer in
granular porous membranes/media due to inserted volatile materials. Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 116, 248-258 (2017). - J.-G. Lee, S. An, T.-G. Kim, M.-W. Kim, H.-S. Jo, M. T. Swihart, A. L. Yarin, S. S. Yoon. Self-cleaning anticondensing glass via supersonic spraying of silver nanowires, silica, and polystyrene nanoparticles. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9, 35325-35332 (2017).
- S. An, Y. I. Kim, M. W. Lee, A.L. Yarin, S.S. Yoon. Wetting and coalescence of drops of self-healing agents on electrospun nanofiber mats. Langmuir 33, 10663-10672 (2017).
- S. An, Y. I. Kim, J.Y. Yoon, A. L. Yarin, S. S. Yoon. Wetting of inclined nano-textured surfaces by self-healing agents. Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 234101 (2017).
- M. Freystein, F. Kolberg, L. Spiegel, S. Sinha-Ray, R. P. Sahu, A. L. Yarin, T. Gambaryan-Roisman, P. Stephan. Trains of Taylor bubbles over hot nano-textured mini-channel surface. Int. J. Heat and Mass Transf. v. 93, 827–833 (2016).
- S. Sett, R.P. Sahu, S. Sinha-Ray, A.L. Yarin. Experimental investigation of eletrokinetic stabilization of gravitational drainage of ionic surfactants films. Electrochimica Acta v.187, 693-703 (2016).
- R. P. Sahu, S. Sinha-Ray, S. Sinha-Ray, A. L. Yarin. Pool boiling of Novec 7300 and self-rewetting fluids on electrically-assisted supersonically solution-blown, copper-plated nanofibers. Int. J. Heat and Mass Transf. v. 95, 83-93 (2016).
- V.K. Patel, J. Seyed-Yagoobi, S. Sinha-Ray, S. Sinha-Ray, A. Yarin. EHD conduction pumping driven liquid film Flow boiling on bare- and nanofiber-enhanced surfaces, ASME J. of Heat Transf. v. 138, 041501(2016).
- S. Zupancic, S. Sinha-Ray, S. Sinha-Ray, J. Kristl, A. L. Yarin. Long-term sustained Ciprofloxacin release from PMMA and hydrophilic polymer blended nanofibers. Molec. Pharm. v. 13, 295-305 (2016).
- D.Y. Kim, J.G. Lee, B. Joshi, J.H. Lee, S. S. Al-Deyab, H. G. Yoon, D. R. Yang, A. Yarin, S. S. Yoon Supersonically sprayed thermal barrier layers using clay micro-particles. Applied Clay Science. V.120, 142-146 (2016).
- B. Bang, H.-S. Park, J.-H. Kim, S. S. Al-Deyab, A. L. Yarin, S. S. Yoon. Simplified method for estimating the effect of a hydrogen explosion on a nearby pipeline. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries v. 40, 112-116 (2016).
- A. Kolbasov, S. Sinha-Ray, A. Joijode, M.A. Hassan, D. Brown, B. Maze, B. Pourdeyhimi, A.L. Yarin. Industrial-scale solution blowing of soy protein nanofibers. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research v. 55, 323-333 (2016).
- A.Ghosal, S. Sinha-Ray, A.L. Yarin, B. Pourdeyhimi. Numerical prediction of the effect of uptake velocity on three-dimensional strucxture, porosity and permeability of meltblown nonwoven laydown. Polymer v. 85, 19-27 (2016).
- S. An, H. S. Jo, S. S. Al-Deyab, A. L. Yarin, S. S. Yoon. Nano-textured copper oxide
nanofibers for efficient air cooling. J. Appl. Phys. V. 119, 065306 (2016). - M.W. Lee, S.S. Yoon, A.L. Yarin. Solution-blown core-shell self-healing nano- and microfibers. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces v. 8, 4955-4962 (2016).
- D.D. Pelot, N. Klep, A.L. Yarin. Spreding of Carbopol gels. Rheologica Acta v. 55, 279-291 (2016).
- S. Zupancic, S. Sinha-Ray, S. Sinha-Ray, J. Kristl, A. L. Yarin. Controlled release of ciprofloxacin from core-shell nanofibers with monolithic or blended core. Molec. Pharm. v. 13, 1393-1404 (2016).
- S. Sett, K. Stephansen, A.L. Yarin. Solution-blown nanofiber mats from fish sarcoplasmic protein. Polymer v.93, 78-87 (2016).
- S. An, H. S. Jo, D.-Y. Kim, H. J. Lee, B.-K. Ju, S. S. Al-Deyab, J.-H. Ahn, Y. Qin, M. T. Swihart, A. L. Yarin, S. S. Yoon. Self-junctioned copper nanofiber transparent flexible conducting film via electrospinning and electroplating. Adv. Mat. V.28, 7149-7154 (2016).
- S.-P. Fu, R. P. Sahu, E. Diaz, J. R. Robles, C. Chen, X. Rui, R. F. Klie, A. L. Yarin, J. T. Abiade. A dynamic study of liquid drop impact on supercooled cerium dioxide: Anti-icing behavior. Langmuir v. 32 (24), 6148–6162 (2016).
- H. Yoon, M. Kim, H. Kim, D.-Y. Kim, S. An, J.-G. Lee, B.N. Joshi, H.S. Jo, J. Choi, S.S. Al-Deyab, A.L. Yarin, S.S. Yoon. Efficient heat removal via thorny devil nanofiber, silver nanowire, and graphene nanotextured surfaces. Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer v. 101, 198-204 (2016).
- C. Staszel, S. Sett, A.L. Yarin, B. Pourdeyhimi. Sintering of compound nonwovens by forced convection of hot air. Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer v. 101, 327-335 (2016).
- A.L. Yarin, S. Agarwal. Buckling and unraveling Poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide)-
Thermoplastic Polyurethane bilayers. Polymer v. 87, 604-613 (2016). - P. M. Comiskey, A. L. Yarin, S. Kim, D. Attinger. Prediction of blood backspatter from a gunshot in bloodstain pattern analysis. Physical Rev. Fluids v. 1, 043201 (2016).
- M.W. Lee, S. Sett, S.S. Yoon, A.L. Yarin. Fatigue of self-healing nanofiber-based composites: static test and subcritical crack propagation. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces v. 8, 18462-18470 (2016).B. H. Bang, C. S. Ahn, D. Y. Kim, J. G. Lee, H. M. Kim, J. T. Jeong, W. S. Yoon, S. S. Al-Deyab, J. H. Yoo, S. S. Yoon, A. L. Yarin. Breakup process of cylindrical viscous liquid specimens after a strong explosion in the core. Phys. Fluids 28, 094105 (2016).
- S. Sinha-Ray, W. Zhang, R. P. Sahu, S. Sinha-Ray, A. L. Yarin. Pool boiling of Novec 7300 and DI water on nano-textured heater covered with supersonically blown or electrospun polymer nanofibers. Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. v. 106, 482-490 (2016).
- A. Kolbasov, P.M. Comiskey, R. P. Sahu, S. Sinha-Ray, A. L. Yarin, B. S. Sikarwar, S. Kim, T.Z. Jubery, D. Attinger. Blood rheology in shear and uniaxial elongation. Rheologica Acta v. 55, 901-908 (2016).
- M. W. Lee, S. Sett, S. S. Yoon, A. L. Yarin. Self-healing of nanofiber-based composites in the course of stretching. Polymer v. 103, 180-188 (2016).
- A. Ghosal, S. Sinha-Ray, S. Sinha-Ray, A.L. Yarin, B. Pourdeyhimi. Numerical modeling and experimental study of solution-blown nonwovens formed on a rotating drum. Polymer 105, 255-263 (2016).
- S. Sinha Ray, S. Sinha Ray, A.L. Yarin, B. Pourdeyhimi. Theoretical and experimental investigation of physical mechanisms responsible for polymer nanofiber formation in solution blowing. Polymer 56, 452-463 (2015).
- R.P. Sahu, S. Sett, A.L. Yarin, B. Pourdeyhimi. Impact of aqueous suspension drops onto non-wettable membranes: hydrodynamic focusing and penetration of nanoparticles. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 467, 31-45 (2015).
- S. Sett, M.W. Lee, M. Weith, B. Pourdeyhimi, A.L. Yarin. Biodegradable and
biocompatible soy protein/polymer/adhesive sticky nano-textured interfacial membranes for prevention of esca fungi invasion into pruning cuts and wounds of vines. J. Materials Chem. B v. 3, 2147-2162 (2015). - S. Sinha-Ray, S. Sinha-Ray, B. Pourdeyhimi, A.L. Yarin. Application of solution-blown 20-50 nm nanofibers in filtration of nanoparticles: The efficient van der Waals
collectors. J. Membrane Sci. v. 485, 132-150 (2015). - D.D. Pelot, S. Jun, A.L. Yarin. Bentonite dispersions: transition from liquid-like to solid-like behavior and cracking. J. Non-Newton. Fluid Mech. v. 219, 50-64 (2015).
- H. Yoon, M. G. Mali, J. Y. Choi, M. Kim, S. K. Choi, H. Park, S. S. Al-Deyab, M. T. Swihart, A. L. Yarin, S. S. Yoon. Nano-textured pillars of electrosprayed bismuth vanadate for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting. Langmuir v. 31, 3727-3737 (2015).
- R. P. Sahu, S. Sinha Ray, S. Sinha Ray, A. L. Yarin. Pool boiling on nano-textured surfaces comprised of electrically-assisted supersonically solution-blown, copper plated nanofibers: Experiments and theory. Int. J. Heat and Mass Transf. v 87, 521-535 (2015).
- A. Hamlekhan, S. Sinha-Ray, C. Takoudis, M. Mathew, S. Sukotjo, A.L. Yarin, T. Shokuhfar. Fabrication of drug eluting implants: Study of drug release mechanism from titanium dioxide nanotubes. J.Phys. D v. 48, 75401-75401 (2015).
- S. Sett, S. I. Karakashev, S. K. Smoukov, A. L. Yarin. Ion-specific effects in foams. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science v. 225, 98-113 (2015).
- M. W. Lee, S. An, H. S. Jo, S. S. Yoon, A. L. Yarin. Self-healing nanofiber-reinforced polymer composites: 1. Tensile testing and recovery of mechanical properties. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces v. 7, N 35, 19546-19554 (2015).
- M.W. Lee, S. An, H.S. Jo, S.S. Yoon, A.L. Yarin. Self-healing nanofiber-reinforced polymer composites: 2. Delamination/debonding, and adhesive and cohesive properties. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces v.7, N 35, 19555-19561 (2015).
- S. An, M. Liou, K. Y. Song, H. S. Jo, M. W. Lee, S. S. Al-Deyab, A. L. Yarin, S. S. Yoon. Highly flexible transparent self-healing composite based on electrospun core-shell nanofibers produced by coaxial electrospinning for anti-corrosion and electrical insulation. Nanoscale v. 7, 17778-17785 (2015).
- M. W. Lee, S. An, K. Y. Song, B. N. Joshi, H. S. Jo, S. S. Al-Deyab, S. S. Yoon, A. L. Yarin. Polyacrylonitrile nanofibers with added Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks (ZIF 7) to enhance mechanical and thermal stability. J. Appl. Phys. v. 118, 245307 (2015).
- S. Sinha-Ray, S. Sinha-Ray, H. Sriram, A.L. Yarin. Flow of suspensions of carbon
nanotubes carrying phase change materials through microchannels and heat transfer enhancement. Lab-on-a-Chip v. 14, 494-508 (2014). Top article, in the Domain of Article 24288141, Since 2014 (publication date of the domain article). - S. Sinha-Ray, A.L. Yarin. Drop impact cooling enhancement on nano-textured surfaces. Part I: Theory and results of the ground (1g) experiments. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer v. 70, 1095-1106 (2014).
- S. Sinha-Ray, S. Sinha-Ray, A. L. Yarin, C. M. Weickgenannt, J. Emmert, C. Tropea. Drop impact cooling enhancement on nano-textured surfaces. Part II: Results of the parabolic flight experiments [zero gravity (0 g) and supergravity (1.8 g)]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer v. 70, 1107-1114 (2014).
- S. Sett, R. P. Sahu, S. Sinha-Ray, A.L. Yarin. Superspreaders cersus “cousin” non superspreaders: Disjoining pressure in gravitational film drainage. Langmuir v. 30, 2619-2631 (2014).
- M. W. Lee, S. An, C. Lee, M. Liou, A. L. Yarin, S. S. Yoon. Self-healing transparent core-shell nanofiber coatings for anti-corrosive protection. J. Materials Chem. A v. 2, 7045-7053 (2014).
- D.Y. Kim, S. Sinha-Ray, J.J. Park, J.G. Lee, S.H. Bae, J.H. Ahn, A.L. Yarin, S.S. Yoon. Supersonic blowing: Facile and industrially scalable method for producing self healing r-GO films. Advanced Functional Materials v. 24, 4986-4995 (2014).
- S. Sinha-Ray, A.L. Yarin, B. Pourdeyhimi. Meltblown fiber mats and their tensile strength. Polymer v. 55, 4241-4247 (2014).
- M. W. Lee, S. An, C. Lee, M. Liou, A. L. Yarin, S. S. Yoon. Hybrid self-healing matrix using core-shell nanofibers and capsuleless micro-droplets. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces v. 6, 10461-10468 (2014).
- S. An, C. Lee, M. Liou, H. S. Jo, J.-J. Park, A. L. Yarin, S. S. Yoon. Supersonically blown ultra-thin thorny devil nanofibers for efficient air cooling. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces v. 6, 13657-13666 (2014).
- S. Sett, R.P. Sahu, D.D. Pelot, A.L. Yarin. Enhanced foamability of sodium dodecyl sulfate mixed with superspreader trisiloxane-(poly)ethoxylate. Langmuir 30, 14765 14775 (2014).
- T. Medeiros Araujo, S. Sinha-Ray, A. Pegoretti, A. L. Yarin. Electrospinning of blend of liquid crystalline polymer with poly(ethylene oxide): vectran nanofiber mats and
- Sinha-Ray, S., Yarin, A.L., Pourdeyhimi, B. Prediction of angular and mass distribution in meltblown polymer laydown. Polymer v. 54, 860-872 (2013).
- X.F. Wu, A. Rahman, Z. Zhou, D. Pelot, S. Sinha-Ray, B. Chen, S. Payne, A. L. Yarin. Electrospinning core-shell nanofibers for interfacial toughening and self-healing of carbon-fiber/epoxy composites. J. Appl. Polym. Sc. v. 129, 1383-1393 (2013).
- Sinha-Ray, S., Fezzaa, K., Yarin, A.L. The internal structure of suspensions in uniaxial elongation. J. Appl. Phys. V. 113, 044906 (2013).
- Y. Zhang, M. W. Lee, S. An, S. Sinha-Ray, S. Khansari, B. Joshi, S. Hong, J.H. Hong, J.J. Kim, B. Pourdeyhimi, S.S. Yoon, A.L. Yarin. Antibacterial activity of photocatalytic electrospun titania nanofiber mats and solution-blown soy protein nanofiber mats decorated with silver nanoparticles. Catalysis Communications v. 34, 35-40 (2013).
- L. Dimesso, C. Spanheimer, W. Jaegermann, Y. Zhang, A. L. Yarin. LiCoPO4 – 3 D carbon nanofiber composites as possible cathode materials for high voltage applications. Electrochimica Acta 95, 38-42 (2013).
- S. Jun, S. Sinha-Ray, A. L. Yarin. Pool boiling on nano-textured surfaces. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer v. 62, 99-111 (2013).
- D.D. Pelot, R.P. Sahu, S. Sinha-Ray, A.L. Yarin. Strong squeeze flows of yield-stress fluids: The effect of normal deviatoric stresses. J. Rheology v. 57, 719-742 (2013).
- S. Sinha-Ray, M.W. Lee, S. Sinha-Ray, S, An, B. Pourdeyhimi, S.S. Yoon, A.L. Yarin. Supersonic nanoblowing: A new ultra-stiff phase of nylon 6 in 20-50 nm confinement. J. Materials Chem. C v. 1, 3491-3498 (2013).
- X. Wu, A.L. Yarin. Recent progress in interfacial toughening and damage self-healing of polymer composites based on electrospun and solution-blown nanofibers: An overview. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. v. 129, 2225-2237 (2013).
- S. Sett, S. Sinha-Ray, A.L. Yarin. Gravitational drainage of foam films. Langmuir
v. 29, 4934-4947 (2013). - R.P. Sahu, S. Sinha-Ray, A.L. Yarin, B. Pourdeyhimi. Blowing drops off a filament. Soft Matter v. 9, 6053-6071 (2013).
- B. Rovagnati, A.L. Yarin, F. Mashayek, T. Matsoukas. A reduced model for nanoparticle coating in non-equilibrium plasma. Physics Letters A v. 377, 1745-1748 (2013).
- M.W. Lee, S. Latthe, A.L. Yarin, S.S. Yoon. Dynamic electrowetting-on-dielectric (DEWOD) on unstretched and stretched Teflon. Langmuir v. 29, 7758-7767 (2013).
- T. Shokuhfar, S. Sinha-Ray, C. Sukotjo, A.L. Yarin. Intercalation of anti-inflammatory drug molecules within TiO2 nanotubes. RSC Advances v. 3, 17380-17386 (2013).
- C Wang, S Sinha-Ray, AL Yarin, T Shokuhfar, R Klie. Electron tomography of hydrated ferritin using carbon nanotube liquid cell. Microscopy and Microanalysis 19 (S2), 566-567 (2013).
- S. Khansari, S. Sinha-Ray, A.L. Yarin, B. Pourdeyhimi. Biopolymer-based nanofiber mats and their mechanical characterization. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research v. 52, 15104-15113 (2013).
- B. Kumar, M. Asadi, D. Pisasale, S. Sinha-Ray, B. Rosen, R. Haasch, J. Abiade, A.L. Yarin, A. Salehi-Khojin. Renewable, metal-free and non-precious carbon nanofiber catalysts for CO2 reduction. Nature Communications 4:2819 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms3819 ; Dec. 2 (2013).
- S. Khansari, S. Duzyer, S. Sinha-Ray, A. Hockenberger, A. L. Yarin, B. Pourdeyhimi. Two-stage desorption-controlled release of fluorescent dye and vitamin from solution blown and electrospun nanofiber mats containing porogens. Molecular Pharmaceutics v.10, 4509-4526 (2013).
- Sh. Khansari, S. Sinha-Ray, A.L. Yarin, B. Pourdeyhimi. Stress-strain dependence for soy-protein nanofiber mats. J. Appl. Phys. V. 111, 044906 (2012).
- R. Sahu, S. Sinha-Ray, A.L. Yarin, B. Pourdeyhimi. Drop impacts on electrospun nanofiber membranes. Soft Matter v. 8, 3957-3970 (2012).
- M.W. Lee, D.K. Kang, S.S. Yoon, A.L. Yarin. Coalescence of two drops on partially wettable substrates. Langmuir v. 28, 3791-3798 (2012).
- L. Dimesso, C. Spanheimer, W. Jaegermann, Y. Zhang, A. L. Yarin. LiFePO4 – 3 D carbon nanofiber composites as cathode materials for Li-ions batteries. J. Appl. Phys. v. 111, 064307 (2012).
- S. Jun, D.D. Pelot, A.L. Yarin. Foam consolidation and drainage. Langmuir v. 28, 5323-5330(2012).
- S. Sinha-Ray, D.D. Pelot, Z.P. Zhou, A. Rahman, X.-F. Wu, A.L. Yarin. Encapsulation of self-healing materials by coelectrospinning, emulsion electrospinning and solution blowing and intercalation. J. Mater. Chem. v. 22, 9138-9146 (2012).
- Y.Zhang, A.L. Yarin. Electric current and irreversible Faradaic reaction on electrode in contact with electrolyte. J. Electrochem. Soc. v. 159, H787-H791 (2012).
- A.K. Johnson, A.L. Yarin, F. Mashayek.Packing density and the Kozeny-Carman equation. Neurosurgery v. 71, N 5, E1064-E1065 (2012).
- S. Sinha-Ray, S. Khansari, A. L. Yarin, B. Pourdeyhimi. Effect of chemical and physical cross-linking on tensile characteristics of solution-blown soy protein nanofiber mats. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research v. 51, 15109-15121
- S. Sinha Ray, Y. Zhang, A.L. Yarin. Thorny devil nano-textured fibers: The way to cooling rates of the order of 1 kW/cm2 . Langmuir 27, 215-226 (2011).
- C. M. Weickgenannt, Y. Zhang, A. N. Lembach, I. V. Roisman, T. Gambarya-Roisman, A. L. Yarin, C. Tropea. Non-isothermal drop impact and evaporation on polymer nanofiber mats. Physical Review E v. 83, 036305 (2011).
- A.L. Yarin. Coaxial electrospinning and emulsion electrospinning of core-shell fibers. Polymers Advanced Technologies v. 22, 310-317 (2011).
- S. Chen, H. Hou, F. Harnisch, S. Patil, A.A. Carmona-Martinez, S. Agarwal, Y. Zhang, S. Sinha-Ray, A.L. Yarin, U. Schroder, A. Greiner, Electrospun and solution blown carbon nanofiber nonwovens for application as electrodes in microbial fuel cells. Energy&Enviromental Science v. 4, 1417-1421 (2011).
- Y. Zhang, S. Sinha-Ray, A.L. Yarin. Mechanoresponsive polymer nanoparticles, nanofibers and coatings as drug carriers and components of microfluidic devices. J. Mater. Chem. V. 21, 8269-8281 (2011).
- S. Sinha Ray, Y. Zhang, A.L. Yarin, S. C. Davis, B. Pourdeyhimi. Solution blowing of soy protein fibers. Biomacromolecules v. 12, 2357-2363 (2011).
- A.L. Yarin, S. Sinha-Ray, B. Pourdeyhimi. Meltblowing: Multiple jets and fiber-size distribution and lay-down patterns. Polymer v. 52, 2929-2938 (2011).
- S. Sinha Ray, R.P. Sahu, A.L. Yarin. Nanoencapsulated smart tunable phase change materials. Soft Matter v. 7, 8823-8827 (2011).
- S. Sinha Ray, R. Srikar, C.C. Lee, A. Li, A.L. Yarin. Shear and elongational rheology of gypsum slurries. Applied Rheology v. 21, N 6, 63071 (2011).
- C.M. Weickgenannt, Y. Zhang, S. Sinha-Ray, I.V. Roisman, T. Gambaryan- Roisman,C. Tropea, A.L. Yarin. The inverse-Leidenfrost phenomenon on nanofiber mats on hot surfaces. Phys. Rev. E v. 84, 036310 (2011).
- Y. Zhang, A. L. Yarin. Carbon nanofibers decorated with Poly(furfuryl alcohol)-derived carbon nanoparticles and Tetraethylorthosilicate-derived silica nanoparticles. Langmuir v. 27, 14627-14631 (2011).
- S. Sinha-Ray, A.L. Yarin. Flow from macroscopically long straight carbon nanopores for generation of thermo-responsive nanoparticles. J. Appl. Phys. 107, 0294903 (2010).
- S. Sinha Ray, Y. Zhang, D. Placke, C.M. Megaridis, A.L. Yarin. Resins with nano “raisins”. Langmuir 26(12) 10243-10249 (2010).
- A. Lembach, H.B. Tan, I.V. Roisman, T. Gambaryan-Roisman, Y. Zhang, C. Tropea, A.L. Yarin. Drop impact, spreading, splashing and penetration in electrospu nanofiber mats. Langmuir 26(12) 9516-9523 (2010).
- A. Holzmeister, A.L. Yarin, J.H. Wendorff. Barb formation in electrospinning: Experimental and theoretical investigations. Polymer v. 51, 2769-2778 (2010).
- S. Sinha-Ray, A. L. Yarin, B. Pourdeyhimi. Meltblowing: I-Basic physical mechanisms and threadline model. J. Appl. Phys. v. 108, 034912 (2010).
- A. L. Yarin, S. Sinha-Ray, B. Pourdeyhimi. Meltblowing: II-Linear and nonlinear waves on viscoelastic polymer jets. J. Appl. Phys. v. 108, 034913 (2010).
- S. Sinha-Ray, A. L. Yarin, B. Pourdeyhimi.The production of 100/400 nm inner/outer diameter carbon tubes by solution blowing and carbonization of core-shell nanofibers. Carbon v. 48, 3575-3578 (2010).
- G. Malkawi, A.L. Yarin, F. Mashayek. Breakup mechanisms of electrostatic atomization of corn oil and Diesel oil. J. Appl. Phys. 108, 064910 (2010).
- A.L. Yarin. Nanofibers, nanofluidics, nanoparticles and nanobots for drug and protein delivery systems. Scientia Pharmaceutica, v. 78, 542-542 (2010).
- Y. Zhang and A.L. Yarin. Thermo-responsive copolymer coatings for flow regulation on demand in glass microcapillaries. European Physical Journal E. v. 33, 211-218 (2010).