Lab Members

The Multiscale Mechanics and Nanotechnology Laboratory is housed in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering of the University of Illinois at Chicago. Research activities focus on fundamental and practical aspects of fluid and solid mechanics, especially at length scales ranging from a few millimeters down to the nanometer level. Both experimental and theoretical aspects of fluid and solid mechanics phenomena are investigated. The laboratory, which occupies 2200 sq. ft. of floor space, is directed by Prof. A. L. Yarin, who supervises graduate students and postdoctoral researchers.

website updated on 12/22/2021

Principal Research Areas Heading link

Hydrodynamics, heat and mass transfer, and solid mechanics in fiber-forming processed and nonwovens technology. Electrowetting
Biopolymer materials and bio-waste utilization in novel nano-textured materials. Electrohydrodynamics and electrostatic atomization.
Solution blowing and electrospinning of nanofibers. Adsorption and mass transfer in forensic analysis.
Polymer science: material behavior of liquid and solid polymers. Firefighting and environmental protection.
Acoustics of building materials Bloodstain pattern analysis.
Drop manipulation in 3D printing. Nanofiber-based actuators, sensors, heaters and devices.
Superspreaders, foams and micellar solutions. Experimental, theoretical and numerical studies related to all the above-mentioned research areas.

Research work during COVID-19 Heading link

Our experimental groups are working hard in the Multiscale Mechanics and Nanotechnology Laboratory  during this COVID-19, here are their stories and research work.


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